Hi! This page is for me to showcase all the fun things I like doing with makeup, specifically eye-makeup. I've always wanted to write down the steps for some of my favourite looks but I go off-&-on on how much I use makeup daily so I just haven't really gotten around to it. I'd like to note that, to me, makeup doesn't involve concealer or anything that's supposed to cover up your skin -- only things like lipstick and eye-makeup, maybe some blush and high-lighter is what I think of when I think of makeup. I say this because I think that people think makeup is complicated or "supposed" to hide your face; no! Good makeup accents your face and brings out your natural features.
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Nom Nom Gallery

jelly-o brownie sweet
Muffin jelly gingerbread
sesame snaps chocolate
Oat cake
jujubes cheesecake
Dragée pudding brownie
Oat cake
powder toffee
pudding cheesecake
toffee bear claw
cake cookie croissant
liquorice sweet roll
chocolate marzipan
danish dessert lollipop
sugar plum dragée